The primary purpose of adding color masterbatch to mulch films is to enhance their visual appeal. Colored mulch films can be used in landscaping and gardening applications to create visually pleasing effects. For example, red or black mulch films are often used to make garden beds stand out and give a neat appearance.

Depending on the color chosen, colored mulch films can have varying effects on soil temperature. Dark-colored mulch films, such as black or brown, absorb and retain more heat from sunlight, which can help warm the soil in cooler climates. Conversely, light-colored mulch films, like white or silver, reflect more sunlight and can help keep the soil cooler in hot climates.

Depending on the color and finish of the mulch film, it can affect the reflectivity of light onto the plants. Some colors and finishes may optimize light reflection for better plant growth. Colored mulch films can be used to differentiate between different crop varieties or sections of a garden. This can be particularly useful in commercial agriculture.
